Very nice game. I found a glitch, sometimes I have to type a password twice before I get the win state. Otherwise, I like the aesthetics and the sense of humor.
are more games like that coming? i really enjoy puzzle games and the fact that only has 4 levels makes me sad. Great Work Amazing *5 stars*. I understand that making a game it's hard.
Great game with music in exactly my taste! The IT-guy detective aspect of this was really well thought through. Not to hard and not to easy while still reasonable. Also had perfect length for it's format.
Look for the sticky note that tells that the password is the Bosse's favorite food and then look around the room to see if you can find any clues ;) ^^ I'll have a video posted on this game tomorrow
In her notebook there's a note with a clue that her passwords are five numbers of her favorite number. Asking her about art she tells you about the number Phi that's the golden ratio number - she will tell you the whole number. From this is to be deduced that here password probably is the first five numbers of Phi without the decimal point.
click on the julias bookshelf, click on the pink book. Thats the first part of finding the password, P.S. Julia is a capricornus, click on the magazine, that may be considered a lucky number.
P.S. Its also with Michelle and vincent's level, for the manga above the bookshelf, personally, I think its nothing to do with you and the other devs, Its the fact that had to put the: view all by jbodah, Follow jbodah, Add to collection, etc. etc, etc, on the right side of the screen where if its a game that you cant fullscreen on, they go and interfere with the game. I'm going to suggest to that they change this and put the options somewhere else like below the descrption.
but here has something wrong,when you open the computer and check it,you just can click'back' button,the 'X' didn't work,because it's been covered by itch function on the right,hope this can be fixed.By the way,i love drowssap'set.
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If you get stuck, here's my playthrough. But I'll encourage you to try and figure things out yourself - it's more rewarding that way in the end.
The creator said the game will be expanded. I say, let's help @jbodah to promote this game and their project to grow. It's very cool :)
Wow - this is incredible and totally unexpected! Thanks for posting this! You got the characters' personalities spot on and I was laughing all morning
Haha, good to hear. Great game!
^^ I can't wait to see more of it :)
thanks dude im getting stuck on these passwords
By the magic of editing I made my play through much smoother than it was. Glad I helped tho :)
Very nice game. I found a glitch, sometimes I have to type a password twice before I get the win state. Otherwise, I like the aesthetics and the sense of humor.
are more games like that coming? i really enjoy puzzle games and the fact that only has 4 levels makes me sad. Great Work Amazing *5 stars*. I understand that making a game it's hard.
Yep! We are planning 8 more levels or so. We've built the game to be easy to extend, and we are planning out a level editor at the moment
Great cool! Gotta follow this. This is a quality pixel point and click game.
Clever puzzles! Wish it was longer, but that's how game jams go, isn't it?
Also don't think you can slip that Jojo reference past me!
We have 8 more levels planned :)
Glad someone finally got the reference lol
very nice game
what do i do on the first level nvm i got it
you click around the room and look around bruh
Great game with music in exactly my taste! The IT-guy detective aspect of this was really well thought through. Not to hard and not to easy while still reasonable. Also had perfect length for it's format.
Maybe get it published at Armor Games?
can u help
i cant put the first password
Look for the sticky note that tells that the password is the Bosse's favorite food and then look around the room to see if you can find any clues ;) ^^ I'll have a video posted on this game tomorrow
kk thx
I'm sorry if I'm asking to much, but can I get a hint on how to find Michelle's 5 special numbers?
In her notebook there's a note with a clue that her passwords are five numbers of her favorite number. Asking her about art she tells you about the number Phi that's the golden ratio number - she will tell you the whole number. From this is to be deduced that here password probably is the first five numbers of Phi without the decimal point.
thank you
loved it. very cute game
i what is julia's password im stuck on it ( i found it after 40 minutes)
click on the julias bookshelf, click on the pink book. Thats the first part of finding the password, P.S. Julia is a capricornus, click on the magazine, that may be considered a lucky number.
Here's a clue: what's her star sign
well that killed my brain
Clever puzzle ideas and great quality game.
I love this concept! This is really interesting
romeo is the guy who is obsessed with himself right? his password is the birth date of someone he loves more than anyone else
thank you
Help. I'm stuck in goojle and the X doesn't work
press back that works
also, you have to click the application again to be able to click the x again
This is currently fixed by scrolling the screen a little, but I'm going to submit a patch to move it now too
P.S. Its also with Michelle and vincent's level, for the manga above the bookshelf, personally, I think its nothing to do with you and the other devs, Its the fact that had to put the: view all by jbodah, Follow jbodah, Add to collection, etc. etc, etc, on the right side of the screen where if its a game that you cant fullscreen on, they go and interfere with the game. I'm going to suggest to that they change this and put the options somewhere else like below the descrption.
im stuck at romero's password
please help
look at the replies under HenHen's comment they might help
I love it!it's not hard but also exciting.
but here has something wrong,when you open the computer and check it,you just can click'back' button,the 'X' didn't work,because it's been covered by itch function on the right,hope this can be fixed.By the way,i love drowssap'set.
Thanks for catching this! We didn't realize that itch was in the way. It is fixed by scrolling a bit, but I'll push a patch up to fix this
Really cool game! I just got stuck at the Remero and Julia level.
This was really cute!! I enjoyed it a lot!!
I enjoyed the game alot! The characters have a lot of personailty, And it was really wll made!
Great game!! I loved the personality of the characters and the freedom to talk about cats smelling weed.

This was very well made!! There are a few spelling errors though. Loved the cat one.
> There are a few spelling errors though
Some of these are intentional (Romero isn't the sharpest tool in the shed). Feel free to let me know if you found any others
what a charming game! Vincent’s puzzle felt a little underwhelming, especially as one near the end, though.
my favorite was the girl with the lucky number and Romero. lots of character all around
Thanks! We definitely didn't have time to put as much care into Vincent's level as some of our others. Glad you enjoyed it overall